Living in an age where vlogging can become your career, snapchat is the hottest of all and blogging has been so overrated brings up so many questions. The digital world today seems to be all about sharing your ‘oh so perfect’ life with others and I’m questioning myself where it will end. For example, I tried using snapchat but in the end it’s another social media channel to keep up with and actually I’m way to busy to even snap something during the day. I rather just enjoy my lunch, have a good talk with others or just enjoy the sunshine. But what had made us into creatures to share everything online?  And the most important question, where does it end?

To be honest, I’m guilty too! I love to share what I’ve been up to on instagram and around 4 times a week I like to share some of my looks, thoughts, travel stories and lifestyle subjects on my blog. Compared with others (people who don’t live an active online ‘life’) I could be considered as someone who shares a lot with the rest of the world. But personally I think I’m keeping it quite simple in comparison to others. Why I feel the urge to share things online? To have a creative outlet, to share (hopefully) interesting things and in the end inspire others – like others inspire me in the same way. But where does it end? And for me?

“Where does it end?”

On the other side, why do I still like to check snaps of others on Snapchat? Most of the time I totally forget about it, but a few times a week I check it here and there. Ending up with a feeling; ‘what-did-I-actually-watch-and-what-was-it-good-for?’. So as you noticed I’m still quite in a struggle what to think of it. Personally it’s also the fact that I’m always in doubt of being online and updating all the time versus enjoying the offline life. I’m trying to keep that strong connection with my offline life and don’t get tempted to put everything online.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot during my relaxed weekend at a spa with a limited amount of internet, laptop or phone which made me enjoy the moment and not to hold on to a memory (that i’ll put online later on probably). Oh damn, what a rambling from my side. But hey, sometimes I just need to share some of my thoughts here and re-think my own actions.