A few days ago I came across this great quote on Pinterest and it exactly represents what travelling means to me. From every trip I bring treasures with me – it can be a photo I shot, something I experienced or an item – that give me the best: a memory.

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Barcelona/ Probably when you’re reading this I’m enjoying this city to the fullest. Follow me instagram – @justlikesushi – to know what I’m up to here.

Palm trees/ The tree that resembles the ultimate summer feeling and during my stay here in Barcelona I know I’m going to look up in the sky and enjoy those beautiful leaves.

Cocktails/ After my trip to Barcelona last year I know the best place to get the best cocktails – so you know what’s going to happen tonight here. By the way…after this trip I’ll share with you my favorite spots to eat/drink, shop and go in Barcelona

All black/ Although I’m totally into wearing white ensembles, I never will forget my first love: black.

src. wethepeoplestyle / theyallhateus / designconundrum /