Let me be honest with you. I wasn’t born with a bag full of self-confidence. I was that little shy girl who prefered to live in her own world. But hey, with that you can’t make it in the real world and that’s where my journey started to get more confidence. I’m happy where I am now but there’s still so much to learn. So, for today I’m happy to share a few ways to boost your confidence and get more out of your personality. I say, let’s go….

Don’t compare
The most important thing I learned is limited the time comparing yourself with others. I would prefer not to compare at all but I guess it’s something that’s in the nature of a human being. Concentrating more on myself, my goals and things that makes me happy gave my so much self-confidence.

Don’t wait, just do it!
During the time I lacked confidence I had so much dreams I want to make true but I never made them to reality. When I skipped the waiting and just when doing things I gained so much more confidence. When you’re challenging yourself and go outside your comfort zone you’ll be quite surprised by your own qualities.

Embrace your uniqueness
Ok. I wasn’t that popular girl, had braces and glasses and I felt quite an outsider my entire life. In some way I often didn’t fit in to a group and I rather did my own thing. I finally learned to embrace my uniqueness  (or call it weirdness as you want) and my from my weakness my strength! Look at the things that makes you different from the others and rock it!

Fake it till you make it
Have you ever tried pretending to be someone with the confidence of someone like Beyonce? No? Just do it! With your nose high in the sky, shoulders full of strength and smile on your face gives you so much power. So why not faking it till you start to believe in your self and eventually…make it!
Let it go
Years and years I always was thinking of what other would think of me. Would they like me? Am I enough? Am I popular enough or do I wear the right clothes? I learned to think less and let’s things go.