( But never been there before! )

Yes, the title is quite clear. Here are my 10 Reasons I Love New York…But never been there before! Let me know why you love New York and we can make this list even bigger. And yes, you can still VOTE ME TO NEW YORK HERE  – by just voting on my look (until 14th of April!). Wish me luck!

1. United States of America I’ve never been to the USA before so that already one of the first reasons I would love to go to New York. America is a relative young country and intrigues me with its culture of many nationalities, view on life and impact on the rest of the world. I want to experience it myself!

2 (Street) Photography Photography is a big part of my life and shooting on the street and capturing daily life around me is something I’ve always love to do. I created a love for street photography during art school during a trip to London and since then I can’t wait to do the same in New York. And just in general, New York has the best backdrop for everything.

3. City that never sleeps For one time I would love to change my daily ritm and wake up just before midnight to go (grocery) shopping, eat and drink on several places in the middle of the night. Also the idea of working the clock around keeps fascinating me.

4. Shopping Okay, do I really need to explain this?

5. Big, bigger, biggest Just like with almost everything in the USA, it has to be big. From that big jar of Nutella to the skyscrapers in downtown Manhattan. I can’t wait to get absorbed by all this greatness.

6. Sex and the City/ GTA New York has been the backdrop of many series, movies and games. So my boyfriend and I can’t wait to check out those famous spots and act like totally crazy fans/geeks.

7. Empire state building/ view I think New York has one of the most impressive urban view and standing on top of the Empire State Building and shoot that lucky shot is high on my bucket list.

8. History New York has a big history of events that happened centuries ago to just decades which have formed this city with his unique past and former attitude. I can’t wait to get to know more about Ellis Island, Times Square, Central Park, Statue of Liberty, the many museums, Grand Zero and many more.

9. American Dream This is one of the things I love about New York and USA in general. This whole country is build up within a short time into the biggest and influential countries which made this the origin of the American Dream. If you believe in something, have the courage, work hard and surround yourself with the right people, (big) dreams can come true.

10 Food Yes, I must admit, I love food and I can’t wait to taste all the different kinds of food New York offers. From the typical hotdogs, big burgers, pastry from Magnolia Bakery, pretzels and the variety of food cultures you can find there.

ph/ kid&coe / garypepper /cottds (yes, I can’t get enough of that cab picture)